About 40 FE Staffs, Leaders and their family members attended the 'Ice-Cream 4 U Charity Concert' held recently at the Kuala Lumpur Badminton Stadium on 23rd October 2010. Proceeds for concert tickets sale this year are in aid of Pusat Penjagaan Kanak Kanak Cacat Taman Megah & Dignity for Children Foundation. The badminton stadium was packed with about 2,800 supporters and fans who were kept entertained by the performances of their favourite artistes.
The idea for the 'Ice-Cream 4 U Charity Concert' originated from artistes Lee Sinje and Yi Jet Qi. The inspiration for the concert came from watching a video clip on YouTube showing children smiling with happiness while eating ice-cream! They shared their experience with artiste Fish Leong. The simple innocent joy and the genuine sound of children's laughter while eating ice-cream touched the 3 artistes very much. That was how the idea of having a benefit Concert for children homes and giving ice-cream to the underprivileged, handicapped children and orphans came about!
This Charity Concert is into its 2nd year this year. Joining hands and coming together in the name of charity and love for a worthy cause with Fish Leong, Yi Jet Qi, Lee Sinje and an impressive line-up including Nicholas Teo, Victor Wong, Penny Tai, A-Bin, Z-Chen, Yu Heng & Taiwanese singers Jonathan Lee and Zeng Shu Qin as Guest Artistes.
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