FE is proud to welcome new MLP Merchant, NSS Marketing & Supply based at Lot 01-85, 1st Floor, Wisma Cosway, No.88, Jalan Raja Chulan, 50200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. NSS Marketing is in the gifts & souvenirs business. It took FE's Executive Director Gary Gan just 10 minutes to convince the bosses, husband and wife team, Nor & Shahrom to join FE's MLP! Gary also showed them with MLP how they can reach out to the Global Market.
They have various gifts and souvenirs with Malaysian culture and they even have their own branding which is "TAUFAN" which will be very ideal as a gift for any occasion. These gifts and souvenirs are very ideal as souvenirs for overseas tourists who visit Malaysia. However as they are just starting out in business they have no idea and not much budget to reach out to the overseas market. Now, with FE's MLP, they are able to reach out to a global market for a cost that is below RM 5 per day! This is unbelievable!
All FE Members who wish to get these wonderful and unique gifts and souvenirs from them will be entitled to a 10% discount!
One Clap Success! AHOO! AHOO!! AHOO!!!
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