FE is proud to welcome the MLP Merchant, Klim Litho Sdn Bhd based in No. 5, Jalan USJ 7/3C, Subang Light Industrial Park, 46300 UEP Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malayia. They are in the printing business. It took FE's Executive Director Gary Gan just 20 minutes to convince the Managing Director Mr. Liew & Director Mr. Chua to join FE's MLP even before FE's MLP was launched officially! The sale was made in the morning, the day after Paul Ting, Founder CEO of FE made the 1st announcement of FE's MLP. Mr liew and Mr Chua were very excited to tap into FE's Member base which is SUPER huge! Now, Klim Litho Sdn Bhd can have a global presence as a FE MLP Merchant after 35 years in the printing business.
They are not only optimistic about their future business with our MLP, they also want to start promoting our MLP to other merchants as part of their core business. This is fantastic! Conventional businesses can now merge and work hand in hand with MLM through FE's MLP! What a breakthrough in the world of MLM!
FE Members who wish to have any material printed can contact Klim Litho Sdn Bhd for printing services and get a 5-10% discount based on their requirement. eWallet payments are also acceptable here!
One Clap Success! AHOO! AHOO!! AHOO!!!
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