Getting on the Bus is the First Step to Success!
This was the mantra instilled on the 100 plus attendees at Success Warrior 2, FusionExcel's three-day workshop held at the Grande Island Resort in Subic, Zambales, 3rd -5th March 2011 to help people realize their full potential and help them get on the right vehicle to success.
Subic's beautiful and inspiring scenery was the perfect place to give birth to promising Success Warriors who will help other people find their own path to success. Led by Philippines Country Licensee and Presidential Director Jeremy Looi and the ''Mind Man'' himself, Master Coach Dev, this gathering of Presidential Directors and FE Leaders were treated to life-changing activities, empowering them to move forward to a better and more successful future.
Success Warrior 2 taught leaders how to keep riding the bus to greater success. Master Coach Dev said it best "You are either on the bus or off the bus!" and the Mind Man shared how you can stay on the bus while keeping your eye on the goal.
For Master Coach Dev, having goals is important if you want to have a better lifestyle. Our lives were already given to us by God and Master Coach Dev said it is up to us how to live it. For him, goals are God's Only Answer to LifeStyle, and goals are the only thing that can move you forward.
Master Coach Dev also said that we must learn to dream BIG. Nothing is impossible to reach. As he puts it "Dare to dream the impossible dream and have the courage to go after it!" Don't let anything or anyone stop you from dreaming big because anyone can achieve anything once you put effort and time on it.
For over 18 years, Master Coach Dev has been teaching thousands of people how to train their minds for success and the Presidential Directors, Executive Directors and other FE leaders who attended the three-day workshop were more than happy to listen to his encouraging words, turning themselves into Success Warriors ready to take the future head-on.
Presidential Director Jeremy Looi also shared his own principles to help the attendees realize their goals and live better and more successful lives. For him, one must first learn the ABC's before we can change our lives for the better. The ABC's, which stand for Awareness Before Change, are important for us to wake up and start improving ourselves and our lives.
According to our Top Country Licensee, trials and tribulations always come our way. But you can't let them stop you from reaching your goals. He said we must learn to work our way around them. We must first take away and eliminate the negativity around us before we can move forward. Only then, can you apply the CBA's of reaching your hopes and dreams: Conceive. Believe. Achieve.
There were also other FE Leaders who shared their success stories to empower everyone like: Presidential Director Bong Hermosa who came all the way from Hong Kong, Presidential Director Joel Amangan, Presidential Director Christian Baluran, Presidential Director Nathan Demecillo, and Presidential Director Abel Lualhati. Each of them came from humble beginnings and they all shared how FusionExcel changed their lives and families for the best that it can be!
The highlight of the three-day workshop was when Master Coach Dev asked the attendees to publicly declare their commitment to achieve their dreams. It was a hard process for those who went through the exercise as most of them broke down into tears after realizing that it was the turning point in each of their lives. It was an awe-inspiring sight as each and every one felt renewed and rejuvenated as they turned their backs on all the negative things in their lives and are determined to pursue their dreams.
Indeed, Success Warrior 2 was successful in moulding the minds of the participants. Our sincerest thank you to the Management of FusionExcel International, Mr. Paul Ting, FE Founder CEO and Mr. K.S. Lee, FE Founder Director, for making it possible for us to bring back Success Warrior to empower current and future leaders in our FusionExcel business. Likewise, to the FE team who have given their time and service to make this three-day workshop a great success, we salute you!
One Clap! Success! AHOO! AHOO!! AHOO!!!
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