After the 1st successful Business Entrepreneur Presentation (BEP) on 23rd January 2010 in Malang, Indonesia, the 2nd BEP was held on 27th February 2010 again in Malang. This time around the interaction between the speakers and the attendees were even more enthusiastic. The local leaders comprised of Pak Kris, Ibu Anna and in particular Ibu Juanita, her husband Pak Wahyu together with newfound leaders Ibu Eva and Ibu Mela.
The Quantum Pendant demonstrations conducted by Master Bahauddin Yap were very well received. The attendees were very excited and impressed by our demonstrations. Many of the crowd stayed back to ask for more details. Presidential Director Paul Lee impressed upon the attendees the necessity to focus on networking NOT retailing. He stressed that networking is the only direction to enjoy long term and sustainable growth. It is enlightening to note that all the attendees at the presentation agreed! The session continued the next day on 28th February 2010 at the Gajah Mada Hotel where the local leaders attended training on power networking by Presidential Director Paul Lee.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the presence of Master Rebecca Then who volunteered to be in Malang and she did her part to instill further confidence to the attendees. We are grateful to Master Rebecca for her support.
The market for FusionExcel is huge and untapped in Indonesia. The potential for FusionExcel is limitless as FusionExcel has the right product and an excellent track record. We would like to invite FusionExcel leaders to come and build their network here. Together we can raise the tide. And when the tide rises, all leaders will rise, big leaders and small leaders, all together! AHOO! AHOO!! AHOO!!!
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