Training is the KEY to MLM success! The recent 3 sessions of "Wealth Warrior" Training by Bob Proctor's Master Coach Dev Singh and his Team at FusionExcel's Headquarter was attended by over 500 very committed FusionExcel Leaders and Members. This is only the beginning! FusionExcel provides the opportunity for many more to attend and to learn the way to Success! The "Wealth Warrior" Training will be conducted once a month at Headquarter in 3 different languages (Bahasa, Mandarin and English). Invite EVERYONE you know to attend. It will help change their lives!
The Following Are Comments From Presidential Directors Who Attended:"Inspiring & Educational - ALL new members should attend!"
- Presidential Director KC Phoon.
"Wealth Warrior training is very motivating, inspiring and touching with simple moving forward encouraging eye-opener actions to undertake to AWAKEN and to REALISE one's DREAM! Nothing Changes IF Nothing Changes!!! "
- Presidential Director Rachel Thomas.
"Today's Wealth Warrior session is one of the most Inspiring, Motivating & Awakening training I have ever attended!"
- Presidential Director Ricky Lim.
"This Seminar has woken up sleeping members & created excitement & inspired new members!"
- Presidential Director Stanley Liew.
"Simply Marvellous! The seminar opened our mind to focus on what our purpose is and our goal in life!"
- Presidential Director Kenny Yick.
"Awe inspiring, enlightening and mindset changing experience!"
- Presidential Director Jason Wong.
"Master Coach Dev's seminar is well delivered, highly motivational and inspiring. We highly recommend those who want to be successful in this business to attend. This training will help the listeners to become more committed in the business. His coaching style is definitely unique."
- Presidential Directors Paul & Doris Lee.
"The Wealth Warrior training is the Key to Victory and points the Direction to Success! It also lets you know Who You Really Are!! I appreciate it ! Thank You! "
- Presidential Director Kevin Chee.
"Instead of thinking that you can't do something, you should use positive thoughts to assure yourself that you can really reach your dream. It is knowing what you really want that can help you move forward and gain confidence along the way. This seminar teaches that If you can imagine & believe it, you can certainly achieve it!"
- Presidential Director Alan Yeo.
"I brought 9 new members to attend the Wealth Warrior. They learned teamwork, set their mind to achieve their goals & to follow us all the way to Success! Thank you so much FusionExcel Management for organizing this seminar!"
- Presidential Director KK Tang.
"Kursus 'Wealth Warrior' atau 'Wira Kekayaan' memberi motivasi, membuka minda dan membangun members yang dah 'tidur'! Rata-rata bersemangat dan bertenaga untuk berjaya! Terima Kasih FusionExcel Management!"
- Presidential Director Zainal Abidin.
"This seminar is an introduction to the Road Map for Success. Just can't wait for the full programme Success Warrior on 16th & 17th April! "
– Presidential Director Thavamany.
"This training gave us a better overview to identify key points and ways to lead us to have an early retirement. It helps us to see how our lifestyle can be significantly changed by using FusionExcel wealth generating program. Thank you!"
- Presidential Director Jane Cheang.
Bahasa Session Monday 08th March 2010.![](