FE's Founder Director KS Lee was the guest of honour and he gave an inspiring speech to FE's pioneer Indian leaders to develop FE's business in India. More inspiring testimonials were shared by Mr. Karunakaran and Dato’ Dr. Barani on the potential mega market of India with a population of 1.3 billion.
Present at the event were Miss Reshma Hawa from "Save the Children Foundation" and a representative from "Pride India Foundation" to sign FE's "Hope for Children" Collabrating Partner’s Agreement. A total of RM 40,000 was raised (Rm 20,000 from FE's Hope For Children Fund) for the respective collabration partners to kick start “Hope for Children India”.
The highly charged program with traditional Indian buffet includes Achievers Recognition, demonstrations and sharing of testimonials on the power and effectiveness of Quantum Pendant testimonies. FE India has tremendous potential and under the capable leadership of Dato' Dr Barani and his father Mr Karunakaran, FE's Social Entrepreneur platform will grow rapidly and bring Wealth and Health to many and at the same time helping many less fortunate children of India.
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